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Publication in the community "What to do, if... ?"

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Are you hot outside? We have very! In the past few days, a real heat has set in. So it's time to remember that most animals are difficult to tolerate the effects of high temperature. The rays of the scorching sun are more dangerous for some of them than the cold. The result of a long stay in the heat can be heat or sunstroke . First and foremost, this problem concerns dogs. Let's try to understand it and give some tips on how to protect your favorite pets from the effects of heat.

Council number 1. Avoid walking in the hot sun.

Try not to go out with the dog if the air temperature is above + 30 ° C. Just move the usual schedule of walks in the early morning and late evening.

Do not forget that the room in which there is a pet throughout the day, must be well ventilated. And his bed should be located in the depths of the room - away from windows and sunlight.

If the dog lives in an open-air cage on the street, you need to take care that the design is slightly heated and there are dark places in it. And if on the site there are no trees that give a dense shadow, then a canopy can be built over the aviary.

In cases where prolonged exposure to the sun can not be avoided, you need to provide your pet protection from the sun. For example, close it with an umbrella or put something on a fabric over your head. Today, dogs produce special hats, baseball caps and bandanas - a great way to protect against sunstroke.

Council number 2. Limit physical activity

The body of a dog, like a person, suffers from the heat of the environment in the heat. If to this load add, causing the body to overheat the bustle, the heat stroke can not be avoided.

In the hot season, long walks are also harmful - asphalt, heated from the sun's rays, transfers all the heat to the animal’s body, which can lead to thermal shock.

Council number 3. Free access to fresh cool water

In the heat, the dog's body loses fluid faster, which can lead to dehydration. Therefore, it is necessary to provide the animal with access to water not only at home, but also outdoors. Having watered your pet with cool water during a walk, you can compensate for the lack of moisture, normalize the heat exchange of the animal's body, thereby cooling it. It is also recommended during the summer period to change the water more often in the home bowl from which the dog drinks.

Council number 4. Make sure your dog is not at risk.

Dogs suffer heat differently. Like people, they have risk groups that include pets for whom the heat is especially dangerous. First of all, it concerns puppies and old dogs: young animals still have a poorly formed mechanism of thermoregulation, and retired dogs have an increased risk of heart problems.

Special attention should be paid to dogs suffering from obesity or cardiovascular pathologies. These dogs should be routinely examined by a veterinarian. If necessary, you should follow his recommendations!

In general, different breeds of dogs tolerate heat differently. Thus, large-sized dogs, as well as representatives of short-haired and hairless breeds, are most at risk. And such giants as the Newfoundland or St. Bernard, by their nature, do not like heat because of the enormous weight.

For short breeds of dogs (brachycephals), heat is one of the worst enemies. Most of these species are artificially bred by man. These include pugs, boxers, bullmastiffs, Pekingese. Such a selection provoked breathing difficulties with characteristic wheezing and grunting, as well as too narrow nostrils. Therefore, representatives of these breeds are contraindicated even small physical exertion in hot weather.

As for hairless breeds, in the summer they suffer a lot. The absence of thick hairline contributes to the rapid overheating of the body, and the bare skin of pesikov can burn under the rays of the scorching sun. Therefore, it must be protected with special creams.

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