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Publication in the community "What to do, if... ?"

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I really want our pets to always be healthy and enjoy life in their own way. But problems can arise in every family - suddenly the condition of the dog or cat worsens, and the beloved pet begins to hurt. We continue the conversation about what mistakes can be made during its treatment.

We are treated with folk remedies

Traditional medicine is a treatment with the help of improvised, non-pharmacological agents developed from generation to generation. Cats and dogs live next to a man of the millennium, it is not surprising that many recipes have also been collected for this piggy bank. For example, a mixture of vodka with raw eggs supposedly helps to cure the plague. In fact, almost all alcohol-based drugs are forbidden for cats and dogs, because alcohol, especially in large doses, is strictly contraindicated for them. Taking vodka can lead to liver and kidney failure even in a large dog, not to mention small breeds and cats. And from raw eggs, according to a popular recipe designed to reduce the effects of alcohol intoxication, a pet can get salmonellosis.

Another popular recipe that does not stand up to criticism is the intake of celandine from worms. However, few owners know that fresh celandine juice contains toxic substances - if it comes into contact with the skin or mucous membranes, it can cause a serious burn. Not to mention the fact that the intake of pure celandine juice inside is strictly prohibited!

It is important to understand that the use of traditional medicine is not only a loss of valuable time, but also a serious threat to the health of the pet. Especially when it comes to infections or diseases that occur in acute form, for the treatment of which potent pharmaceuticals are needed. Otherwise, an attempt to treat folk remedies can cost the pet a life.

We independently appoint a course of herbal medicine

It is generally accepted that “natural” remedies are much safer than “chemical” medicines. In fact, this is far from the case - almost every medical medicine has a wide range of side effects and a whole list of contraindications. And medicinal herbs also have limitations on their use! Before they go on sale, they undergo laboratory tests and are comprehensively studied. But even in this case, they can not be assigned to yourself or your pet yourself.

Even people herbal medicine is prescribed in courses of no more than 1 to 4 weeks - otherwise there is a big load on the body. At the same time, there are many pharmaceutical products designed for continuous use throughout life.

In addition, pharmaceuticals most often contain only one active substance, to which excipients are added. And in medicinal herbs, there are many active ingredients that are not always suitable for a particular organism. Therefore, only a specialist should deal with their appointment. In this case, not only the choice of the drug is important, but also its form of release, as well as the dosage. After all, the stomach and intestines of pets are not able to fully absorb plant food and extract all available substances from it. That is why preparations for dogs and cats are not made from crushed parts of dried herbs, but from plant extracts. Their incorrect dosage can lead either to a lack of effect or to an overload of the body with active substances, which will do more harm than good, and will not help solve the problem.

It is important to understand that only a veterinarian can prescribe a suitable herbal preparation and determine the correct dosage, taking into account the type, breed and age of the pet.

Continuation of the topic in the next part of the publication ...

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