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Publication in the community "EXCURSIONS FOR FOOD DOGS"

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Last year, our subscribers in the FB showered us with questions - where can I go with the dog, so as not to drive from the beach?

where to find such a place so that you can move in cheaply and so that the sea is near + so that you can swim with the dog?

It is impregnable, isn't it? !

But as it turned out - there are quite a few such places.

We found a wonderful wild beach on the Black Sea, above it there is an inexpensive camping and a tent city,

the water is very clean and clear, you can dive off the cliffs and sunbathe with the savage, no one drove us and was not outraged by "here you can" and so on.

A little higher in the mountains there are wonderful locations - Ilyas-Koya mountain and the famous megalithic altar and place of power - the Temple of the Sun

We lived there for 3 days, but not everyone managed to visit and see, so you can safely go for a week +!

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