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Publication in the community "What day is today?"

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April 25 is an unusual ecological holiday celebrated on this day - World Penguin Day. The annual celebration is designed to remind people of the need to preserve the animal diversity of our planet and to protect representatives of the fauna of individual regions.

Among the animal diversity of the southern hemisphere of our planet there is an unusual bird. Its place in the nature of this region plays a very significant role. As a polar bear can be called one of the symbols of the nature of the North Pole, so this bird can surely be called one of the symbols of Antarctica. It is, of course, about penguins, the diversity of species of which does not change the idea of where they live. And they live only in the open sea of the Southern Hemisphere.

Penguins are a family of flightless seabirds whose representatives swim and dive perfectly. In the family there are 18 modern penguin species. The biggest of them is the emperor penguin, its height can reach 120 cm, and its weight is more than 40 kg! The smallest representative of this species is the small penguin, which is not higher than the knee of an adult, and its weight does not exceed 2.5 kg.

Despite its charming appearance, the extermination of penguins by humans after the discovery of Antarctica reached unprecedented proportions. Fortunately, their population has now been restored. Although several species of these birds remain endangered. The threat of their extinction is largely associated with human activities on the islands and coastal mainland zones within the habitat of penguins.

The date of celebration of World Penguin Day on April 25 was not chosen by chance - it was during this period that penguins migrated to the mainland to mate and hatch eggs.

By the way, there is another holiday in the ecological calendar dedicated to these amazing birds - Penguin Awareness Day, which is celebrated annually on January 20th.

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