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Publication in the community "What day is today?"

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Today we will talk about an unusual holiday - on June 8, residents of St. Petersburg, and everyone can join them, celebrating the Day of St. Petersburg cats and cats. The idea of celebration appeared in 2005, at the initiative of a group of local artists called “Mitya” - exactly 14 years ago they placed on the cornice of their workshop a sculpture of a cat named Tishka Matroskina. The cat's name was chosen not by chance, because on the occasion of the next holiday she was dressed in a vest, which has long become a kind of uniform "Mitka".

As for the “World” status of the holiday, in this matter “Mitki” are guided by simple logic - if there is a World Petersburgers' club, why not be the World Day of St. Petersburg cats and cats? But to be objective, so far there has been no particular activity in celebrating this Day - neither with the broad Russian, nor with the world community. In general, very few people know about its existence besides the residents of St. Petersburg themselves. But still ahead, because while the story of the holiday is short.

As for the traditions of the celebration, on this Day, Peter’s artists offer all owners to pamper their pets with some delicacies. And to all employers - let go home early employees named Kotov, Koshkin, Koshechkin, Kotovsky ...

By the way, Tishka Matroskina is not the only St. Petersburg cat in whose honor the holiday was established. After all, the Hermitage Cat Day is celebrated every spring (until 2012 it was called the March Cat Day in the Hermitage). On this day, 70 cats are honored, who live in the museum and protect its exhibits from rats and mice.

Thus, in Russia, domestic cats can be honored all year round.

  • March 1 - Day of cats in Russia.
  • In the end of April - the beginning of May - the Day of the Hermitage cat.
  • June 8 - World Day of St. Petersburg cats and cats.
  • August 8 - World Cat Day.

And perhaps such wonderful occasions and more, because each city has its own history and traditions.

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