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Publication in the community "What day is today?"

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June 20, zoodefenders around the world are calling to draw public attention to the problems of elephants - the most majestic animals of our time. For the first time, World Day for the Protection of Elephants in Zoos (International Day of Action for Elephants in Zoos, abbreviated IDAEZ) was celebrated in 2009. Activists of the movement immediately identified their main tasks, the main of which was the release of all the elephants of the world from bondage. Since then, this Day is celebrated annually.

Elephants are the largest land mammals. They are created for open spaces! Highly developed animals unite in large families with close relationships and are able to communicate with each other at a distance. For 1 day they pass several kilometers, overcoming deserts, rivers, forests and savannas. In captivity, they are deprived of their usual way of life and, ultimately, live an incomplete life - solely so that people have the pleasure of seeing the giants with their own eyes.

In addition, elephants often suffer from cruel training methods, which are still used in different countries. For example, steel hooks that should make an animal submit to humans.

On the Day of protection of elephants in zoos, zoo-defenders organize various educational events, telling people about elephants, their usual way of life and how hard it is for them to be in captivity. So, in the USA this action has been held for 10 years and managed to bring the first results. About 20 zoos in the United States have closed or are planning to close the pavilions with elephants. And 11 zoos have already moved 14 elephants to the nature reserves created specifically for these animals. After all, elephants are amazing! I will cite a few curious facts about them.

  • Elephants are the largest living land mammals on the planet.
  • Pregnancy of female elephants lasts 22 months - this is the longest period for carrying young among all animals. In this case, only one cub weighing up to 100 kg is born.
  • In a day, an elephant eats up to 450 kg of plant food and drinks up to 300 liters of water. And because he eats so much, his teeth change 6 - 7 times throughout his life.
  • Elephants have a well-developed emotional sphere - they can experience different feelings: sadness, joy, empathy, sadness, and even depression.
  • Elephants are the only animals that have their own burial ritual.
  • Elephants are right-handers and left-handers - depending on how tusk they work more often. Because of this, they usually have one tusk shorter than the other, because the worker wears out faster.
  • Elephants swim excellently, but they do not know how to jump, so they simply step over or bypass the obstacle.

The day of protection of elephants in zoos is not yet among the official environmental dates. However, its initiators are going to fight for the UN to formally include this Day in the calendar.

By the way, September 22 is another Elephant Protection Day. It is dedicated to all the elephants of the world, and not just those contained in zoos.

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