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Publication in the community "What day is today?"

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Every year on July 23, our planet celebrates World Whale and Dolphin Day. The ecological holiday was established in 1986, when the International Whaling Commission, after 200 years of merciless extermination, finally imposed a ban on the whale fishery - whale hunting throughout the world and the sale of whale meat are prohibited.

However, whale fishing is not the only threat. One of the main factors in the extinction of whales, dolphins and other marine mammals is their catch for dolphinariums, aquariums and circuses. Therefore, on this day, various environmental groups and organizations hold actions, demonstrations in defense of whales and dolphins. Often environmentalists unite and devote this day to the protection of one unique species, which is in mortal danger or extinction.

World Day of whales and dolphins is of particular importance for Russia, since several dozen species of whales, dolphins and seals inhabit its seas. Many of them are endangered and are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

It is noteworthy that July 23rd is not the only date in the ecological calendar dedicated to marine mammals. In many countries of the world, zoodefenders set up national whale days. For example, Australia, since 2008, has decided to celebrate the National Day of the whales on the first Saturday of June, and in America, World Day of the Whales are traditionally celebrated during the summer solstice - June 21.

There is another date for the celebration of World Day of Whales and Dolphins - in February, when World Marine Mammals Protection Day (Whale Day) is celebrated.

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