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Publication in the community "What day is today?"

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Holidays dedicated to the most popular pets are in many countries around the world. For example, in Russia, Cat Day is celebrated on March 1 , in Poland on February 17, in Japan on February 22, and in the USA they are celebrated on October 29. These days appeared at different times and on the basis of different events or without them. But at the international level, this holiday appeared relatively recently - in 2002.

World Cat Day is celebrated annually on August 8 at the initiative of the Animal Welfare International Fund for the Protection of Animals. Today's holiday brings together millions of owners of these animals around the world. It involves not only the celebration of pets, but also drawing attention to the problem of stray cats.

There are few people on the planet who remain indifferent to these charming, affectionate and very smart animals. A whole science is devoted to their study - felinology - from the Latin concept felinus - cat and Greek logos - science, which emphasizes the well-known fact - cats are very smart and very useful. The domestic cat (Felis catus) is part of the cat family, which distinguishes 2 subfamilies, 4 genera, and about 36 species. From time immemorial, cats have been and remain the most common pets in the whole world: about 80% of all inhabitants of the Earth keep a pet, and more than half of them gave preference to cats.

What could be nicer than a purring warm friend who is lying on your lap? But in addition to aesthetic and psycho-emotional pleasure, cats perform a number of functions that are useful to humans. They perfectly exterminate rodents, treat some diseases and even prolong the life of their master. So, American doctors found that cat owners are 40% less likely to suffer from heart disease, they are less likely to have heart attacks and strokes. And British doctors even developed a whole “catotherapy”, with the help of which they propose to treat a number of diseases, in particular - joint inflammation and gynecological pathology.

Often cats become heroes of fairy tales, epics, cartoons, films, etc. Many peoples of the world have beliefs and signs associated with these amazing creatures. The most common of them say that cats live several lives, can intuitively determine the intentions of people who come to the house and feel unkind guests.

It is absolutely not surprising that in some countries these animals are in a special state position. For example!

  • In Austria, every cat that guarded food stores is paid a lifetime pension in the form of meat and milk.
  • In China, cats are protected by law.
  • In Japan, there is the Temple of Cats, built in honor of 7 cats, which in the 17th century served the Japanese soldiers faithfully.
  • In Germany, the Cat Museum has been erected, where many exhibits related to cats and selected around the world are collected.

Russia does not lag behind in veneration of domestic cats - there are cat museums in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

How is World Cat Day celebrated? Everything is very simple - the heroes of the occasion are especially honored and spoiled in every way. They buy various delicacies, new houses, toys, clothes and other gifts . In a number of countries, the opening of special parks for walking cats and cat shops, cafes and hotels, where you can temporarily accommodate a pet with great comfort, was timed to coincide with this day.

You can talk endlessly about these wonderful and graceful creatures, but I will not do that. Because on this day I want to wish all the cats of the world only one thing - to have their own home! A house where they are always waiting for delicious food, a cozy couch and a caring owner.

Do not offend or betray cats! Remember - we are responsible for those who have tamed. Just love cats, because they really deserve it.

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