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Publication in the community "What day is today?"

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September 22 marks an ecological holiday, designed to draw the attention of mankind to the problem of the extinction of such an now rare animal, like a rhinoceros.

The problem is that the biological diversity of species on our planet continues to decline steadily, and this also applies to animals, the names of which are known to each of us from early childhood. Among them was a rhino, some species of which at the end of the 20th century were simply threatened with extinction. The reason for this is human activity to transform the surrounding world for one’s own needs. Unfortunately, it turns into the most sad consequences for other living creatures of our planet. In addition to indirect factors of human activity, which have a detrimental effect on the representatives of the fauna, it is also that individual animals turn out to be objects of poaching.

It was the poachers who put the rhino on the brink of extinction! And the reason for this was the idea of individual traditional cultures about the supposedly exclusively healing properties of his horn. The cost of 1 kg of the horns of this animal on the black market reaches $ 65,000, and it can weigh 1 - 3 kg.

In the circles of biologists and nature lovers, the first thing they begin to sound is the alarm about the death and threat of extinction of certain types of rhinos. Therefore, the World Wildlife Fund in South Africa took the initiative to proclaim World Rhino Day on September 22 in order to draw the attention of mankind to the problem of the extinction of this rare fauna.

The initiative was supported by environmental organizations around the world. The first countries to respond were the populations of a particular rhinoceros species. In total, there are five such species: black, white, Indian, Sumatran and Javanese rhinos. On this day, zoos, reserves and reserves of many countries around the world invite everyone to get acquainted with the life and habits of a rhino, as well as just admire this unusual, rare, amazing animal.

Photo shows are often held on World Rhino Day, where the animal is captured in its natural habitat, against the backdrop of beautiful landscapes, and also as a dissonance - photographs of rhinoceroses killed by poachers ... The call to save, protect from death silently breaks from these photos. And nature lovers on this day support the holding of flash mobs in defense of a rare animal through social networks.

The holiday was established in 2010 and originally concerned the fate of African rhinos. However, the common sad fate associated with the activities of poachers, which brought all species to the brink of extinction, united their Asian relatives with African rhinos. And the fight against poachers is currently becoming the main solution to the problem, capable of stopping the death of entire species. After all, destroyed by 95% in the twentieth century, the population of rhinos, according to the forecasts of biologists, may disappear completely within the next 20 years. If the facts of poaching are not finally stopped, the rhinos will disappear from the face of our planet!

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