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Publication in the community "What day is today?"

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The World Snow Leopard Forum, held in Bishkek in October 2013, marked the beginning of a new celebration, the International Snow Leopard Day. Since then, it has been celebrated annually on October 23.

The snow leopard (snow leopard) is a unique animal listed in the Red Book because of its small size and risk of being among the endangered species. The habitat of this large predatory mammal of the cat family is the highlands of Central Asia.

The rare color, extraordinary beauty and value of the fur have led to the fact that the snow leopard has become a tidbit for poachers who are willing to risk a lot for the illegal hunting of wild animals. And the expansion of pastures and grazing zones in Central Asian countries leads to the fact that the natural habitat of the snow leopard is steadily narrowing.

In October 2013, the World Forum for the Conservation of the Snow Leopard was held in the capital of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, to discuss the problems of population decline and the threat of the complete disappearance of the snow leopard. Representatives of 12 states took part in the discussion of the problem, on whose territory individuals of this rare animal are found.

As a result of the discussion of the problem, a program was adopted - the Declaration on the Conservation of the Snow Leopard. The control over the number of its population is now carried out in countries whose territories capture the habitat of the snow leopard. And the date of adoption of the Bishkek Declaration was chosen as a holiday, the main purpose of which is to attract the attention of the general public to the problem of extermination of the snow leopard.

International day of the snow leopard is held in scientific and educational institutions, where photo exhibitions, seminars, screenings of documentaries on the life of the snow leopard are held. On this day, animal rights activists and activists organize actions on social networks, with the goal of expanding the knowledge of Internet users about the amazing representative of the cat family - the snow leopard.

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