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Publication in the community "What day is today?"

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Every year on November 17 in Italy an unusual holiday is celebrated - Black Cat Protection Day, also known as Black Cat Day. The date was established in 2007, at the initiative of activists of the Italian Association for the Protection of the Environment and Animals (AIDAA).

It is known that among many peoples of the world black cats are considered a symbol of misfortune. Long since magical properties were attributed to them, they were called the embodiment of evil spirits, the first helpers of witches and sorcerers. And although the Middle Ages have long been a thing of the past, dark superstitions are still alive today, and black cats suffer from them, first of all. And the famous song that “only a black cat is unlucky” is quite relevant in our time.

Every year, hundreds of thousands of black cats die and disappear, and probably not without the help of ill-wishers. In Rome alone, owners lose 15,000 black cats annually! In addition, there is evidence that black kittens are less likely than others to be taken from shelters.

Having collected statistics on "unlucky" animals, Italian activists from the Association for the Protection of the Environment and Animals, decided to solve the problem of extermination of black cats. The first step was the adoption of Black Cat Protection Day. According to the Association, the organization not only helps cats of this color, but also rewards people who show sympathy for the hunted animals.

However, in some countries of the world black cats do not need help at all. For example, in the UK, prejudice against these animals is extremely positive. For example, in some parts of England they believe that the mistress of a black cat will never be left without fans, while in Scotland they believe that a cat of the color of night brings wealth to the house. Black cats and sailors do not offend: they are sure that a ship or house cat of this color promises good luck in swimming.

And how do you feel about black cats - believe signs, superstitions or not?

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