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Publication in the community "What day is today?"

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Every year on November 30, a holiday is celebrated in many countries of the world, which is close to each of us - World Pets Day. An amazing date is dedicated to all animals domesticated by man and serves as a reminder to all mankind of responsibility for “our smaller brothers”. That is why the motto of this Day was the words of the Little Prince from the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupery: "You are forever responsible for those whom you tamed." The meaning of these words is difficult to overestimate. They are addressed to all of us.

Events dedicated to the Day of Pets are very diverse and are held in each country in its own way. Somewhere, pickets are held to protect animals from abuse, somewhere flash mobs to support the creation of animal shelters or clinics, somewhere exhibitions of cats and dogs, etc. And some of the owners celebrate this day unusually, allowing their pets to do everything that was forbidden before - tearing wallpapers, gnawing furniture and slippers, climbing curtains, eating from the table ... Or buying gifts for his pet and a huge amount of goodies. And someone simply pays maximum attention to their feathered, waterfowl, four-legged, crawling and other types of friends.

By the way, among the actions of recent years, which is becoming more widespread around the world, the “Bell” campaign is gaining popularity - this is when in zoos of any city or country for one minute children ring the bells, thereby attracting attention to the problems of animal welfare.

But, no matter how this day is celebrated, the main goal of all actions and events is to actualize the attention of the general public (and especially the younger generation) to the problems of pets (including the homeless); fostering a caring attitude towards them (and in general to wildlife), responsibility for their content and understanding that they are “our smaller brothers” and not an object of entertainment. After all, as owners of pets themselves say, you can find an approach to any pet - you just need to love it, and it will definitely reciprocate.

Happy holiday, friends! Do not forget to congratulate and please your pets)

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