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Publication in the community "What day is today?"

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December 10, in many countries of the world marks the International Day of Animal Rights. The holiday was established in 1998 - on the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Human Rights. Thus, the organizations that established the date wanted to emphasize that all living creatures of our planet, without exception, have the right to life and protection from suffering.

Unfortunately, few people know that our smaller brothers have their own Universal Declaration of Rights. It was compiled on the basis of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and has the main goal of ending the exploitation and killing of animals. The declaration consists of 10 articles, which say not only that every living creature has the right to respect and to life without suffering, exploitation and death, and that cruelty to animals is unacceptable. But the fact that a person is obliged to take care of restoring a population of different types of animals on earth, and actions leading to the unjustified death of any animal, is a crime against life.

That is why animal rights activists defend the same rights and freedoms that our people have for our smaller brothers. And above all, it is an inalienable right to life, the right to freedom and to a natural habitat. Fortunately, today these principles are adhered to by millions of people in different countries of the world, and many states have adopted rules of law that regulate relations related to the prevention of cruelty to animals and the formation in society of a humane attitude to them.

The Declaration and various animal rights laws are particularly effective in England, Germany and Denmark. By the way, Germany became the first European country whose Constitution guarantees the observance of animal rights. And in England, the protection of animal rights is carried out by law, adopted in 1911.

But even though in many countries there are laws according to which citizens who are guilty of cruelty to animals bear criminal responsibility depending on the severity of the act, nevertheless, there are other states where animals are viewed as property or a biological object, and the punishment for harming them is purely symbolic.

Enlightenment and educational activity among children and adolescents on the subject of animal rights and human obligations towards our smaller brothers helps to change the situation and the proportion of our younger brothers. It is very important that the system of public education and education of any country is aimed at ensuring that a person understands and respects animal rights from childhood.

Today's International Animal Rights Day brings together all concerned people who oppose bullying animals and killing our smaller brothers for meat, fur, experimentation and entertainment. On this day in many countries of the world will be various actions, events - pickets and processions, publications and broadcasts in the media, concerts and exhibitions, competitions, etc.

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